Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yesterday was a God day. I'd surrendered my plans while driving the kids to daycare. The plans had included cooking, cleaning, organizing "my box," and hopefully shopping for a new mattress. Just "me" things. Had another whole day off to do them if I needed to, so nothing was pressing. I had a nudge to visit a friend and chose to listen. Turned out I ended up being in the right place at exactly the right time and got to see His love for a friend I've been praying for, and a renewed sense that he must see me as well. And I had the awesome privilege of hanging out with these two beautiful people! Its been a long time since I've had an experience like that. I probably don't listen to the nudges very often. Being spiritual is really about just being obedient to the One who knows better than I do.

Hand in Hand Park

Today, the Hand in Hand park.

Now, is that a Beautiful Person or what?
I was taking these pictures of his feet and later realized I'd caught a squirrel!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Special Olympics

Yesterday we attended the Special Olympics in Radford. I wish I could say we spent our time cheering on these awesome athletes. But mostly I was chasing my own little athletes. I think they have opposite polarity: they always run away in the opposite direction from each other. I am thankful for the many volunteers, like this guy here, who helped me retrieve one while I was chasing the other. Judah kept running in the way of the awards ceremony and even climbed on the podium where an athlete was receiving his award.

There were activities set up for the "Young Athletes" and their siblings. 

But our favorite of all was the bounce house.

And Judah liked dancing to the DJ. Today I made the mistake of singing "Shake your Booty!" because Anayah joined in. I needn't have worried though. She quickly turned it into "Shake your Judah!"

I discovered that kettle corn is on our list of allergy-OK foods so I got them a treat. Turns out Judah, who normally loves popcorn doesn't like kettle corn. Anayah loves it.

After the Olympics I went for a run along the Riverwalk trail in Radford. We ran from Bissett Park back to the Stadium where I found Judah's harness (you know, for his leash) that had slipped out of the stroller. We also found a cool Sycamore tree that looked like a cave. That's not a ghost. Its the sun.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Judah and Anayah love to take trips in the jogger. Our outings consist of two short jogs with a long play break in the middle. Today we went to the park.
And of course, Judah and Anayah always get along well because the jogger is spacious and doesn't allow them to infringe on each other's personal space.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


All the snow has melted. How is it possible that the 3 foot deep block of ice in front of our place is gone? Well, it is, and in its place: a  . .

 whole . . .

 lotta . . .


The beautiful people are beautiful as ever, and driving their mama batty. Running in every direction, no listening, incessant demands for bitee (blanket), dub (gum), nana (banana). Judah flips out every time I put him in the car because he wants to push the buttons on the seats or sit in the front and "drive." They make more messes three times as fast as I could clean them. Paralyzed, I don't even know where to start and make a refuge in computer time.

Lots of heavy situations too. Friends in need. Marriages in trouble. A dying 12-year-old at work. The limbo of not knowing what's happening next year, and maybe some major decisions being made this week or next. When I don't keep my eyes on the all-sufficient One I get weighed down by it all, or detach. Longing for breakthrough personally and in all these situations. I think part of wanting to move is to run away from some of these things, start fresh: a pseudo-solution when you feel you have no other option. But I am reminded:
"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God. Matt 14: 29-33
 Better not to be distracted by the waves at all, but I am glad there is someone to grab my hand when I do.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

He makes all things new!

There is still quite a bit of snow around and flakes continued to flit and skitter to the ground all day. Its felt like a very long winter. We're all looking forward to being warm, outside, and having to dress some beautiful people in fewer layers of clothing. Maybe this is a sign that changes are coming, hopefully in the Spirit as well as in the natural world.


What are you looking forward to breaking anew in, in the next season of your life?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The best thing about having toddlers is that part of your job is to do fun stuff

. . . like go to the pool on a cold, windy, snowy February afternoon. This was particularly fun because:
1. Judah got a floaty device so I didn't worry quite so much about him drowning. It also made him much more bold in the water.
2. Daddy went with us!!! And that meant I could take some pictures.

We had a lot of fun!

 Judah did not always use his walking-feet.

 So he slipped on the deck into the splits.

After a while Anayah did not want to use her ring. So the good parents that we are, we let her learn the natural consequence of swimming without your ring when you don't yet know how to swim. She insisted on trying that experiment many times.

 And here is your bonus (and rather poor) picture of wheat-free, milk-free, egg-free pancakes. They were actually pretty good, once I added the salt the recipe called for.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Anayah wasn't feeling well yesterday, so Judah and I went to feed carrots to the horses at Tech. We also saw sheep. I had no idea they were born with long tails.

 There was one particularly pushy horse who ate Judah's glove. Pulled it off his hand and got it completely inside his mouth. Since it was not a carrott, he spit it out into a wet wad in the snow.

And later, once Anayah recovered from her tummy troubles, at their request we went outside again. It was a beautiful afternoon. The snow affords some very different photo opportunities than no-snow does. Its one of the reasons I'm grateful for the mega-winter we've had.


And here is your bonus picture of Jiffy corn muffins.